Sunday, February 14, 2010

I'm getting extremely busy...

I haven't had time to post anything at all here lately. I have ads running that I may actually need to put to a halt temporarily....which is a GOOD thing. Well,...I haven't forgotten about the blog.. just busy. Much LOvE.....Happy Valentines Day. <3 kayla

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Introducing Posh Baby Photography by Kayla Mathews

I am soooo excited about Posh Baby! I didnt get any sleep at all last night because I had so many new ideas running through my head. Posh Baby is going to be all about infants and toddlers with a little sprig of fashion and sass that will shine through the photographs. I absolutely cannot wait to start this campaign showcasing BABIES! Keep tuned in! OH , the way, I am posting this random photo. My oldest son, Seth, has a loose tooth. I couldn't help but take a snapshot of him and  his brother in their undies discussing how the tooth fairy will come and bring them money. Hope you enjoy!

Monday, January 25, 2010

First Official Post!

Okay! What a night last night. It seems I am finally getting things together. I've checked into website customization with smugmug to pay someone to make my website 'awesomer than ever' but that came with a pretty big price tag for something that I didnt know what the outcome would be. SOOOO I decided to hook myself up and create my own website (thanks to wix) Drag and Drop flash is the best right next to cheesecake. I guess it turned out pretty good considering I'm no pro at webdesign. Take a gander at the screenshot!
I'm very satisfied with everything but keep in mind this is NOT finished.